Professor John Boyages MBBS (Syd) (Hons) FRANZCR
Associate Dean, International & Engagement;
Professor of Breast Oncology & Director Lymphoedema
Program, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Macquarie
University, SYDNEY

Professor John Boyages is a cancer specialist with more than 30 years’ experience in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

He was first appointed to Macquarie University in 2011 as the Director of its cancer program and has helped establish many clinical, research and patient support programs related to cancer.

After graduating from the University of Sydney, Prof Boyages trained at Westmead Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard University, Boston.

He is a radiation oncologist at Macquarie University Hospital and the author of several “Taking Control” books, including his recent publication on Male Breast Cancer (

Prof Boyages has published more than 140 research papers and provides consultations to patients from all over Australia and the Asia-Pacific.

He is currently the Professor of Breast Oncology, Director of the Lymphoedema Program and Associate Dean (International and Engagement) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Macquarie University. 

Prof Boyages is also a regular invitee to public and medical forums and loves imparting knowledge to health professionals, patients and their families.